Monday, June 4, 2012



So its holiday! And we have only 6 days more before we need to go to  school.  And I have a scrapbook to be finish by this holiday. And I have games to be play or I will die. I have to keep sitting in front of the computer or I will never know what happen to my social account. And FYI I only have twitter and this old blog as my social accounts. Yet, long time ago, i've meet a princess, I have my OWN facebook. And I always active to online the facebook account. But now, my facebook account has gone until I don't know when it will come back. DIED furever und ever. HaHa Ok kidding. Then, ( back to the story that does'nt even match with my topic) I made a new account. And its gone well. But suddenly, while I was adding my friends on facebook, it become crazy like a hideous hungry monster sees a food in front of him. CRASHED! Died too. Ok its actually not died but I just  need to verify it back using a code, that the facebook staff will send a message that did have the code. But, I have try many numbers, my mother's, my father's and my brother's number but its still did'nt work. I did'nt get my code! And that's why I don't have a facebook. Actually I have two accounts but both accounts are crazy. So, next time, do not even ask me do I have a facebook or not. Or I will explain to you as long as this untitled story. The End.

Pheww, just done telling a story. Now back to what I really want to talk about. Anyway, when my facebook are like that (the craziness) I become sensitive because I really want my facebook back! Alright, alright, you won't understand the meaning of my sensitivity for the facebook things because it is my problem and nobody will understand it. Ok, Back to the normal story  after my un-normal story. Goodbye.


Actually my topic do mean something that was really hurting me. And usually for me, whats hurting me, must be some sort from school. I have this one friend and I guess she was sensitive too, like me. And our sensitive does not bring much to fights. Just our inside hurts and hate feeling to another person will of course exists. All of this are cause by the jealous feelings. And that's whats bring me to the sensitivity of me. I mean sensitivity runs towards me all of the sudden because of the jealousy. I hope she understands me just like how I understands her. If I right this thing for nothing, I will absolutely sad because for your information, I'm very sensitive. Maybe you look me from the outside, may be not sensitive much, but actually from the inside was the other from the outside. Means its not same because I was too sensitive and I feel pain of that SENSITIVITY. It's bring saddens to me and I hate being sad. I'm tired of being sad and all of this. All I want is the first you when I met you. I know the first you when I met you was actually the not real you but I more kind of  like that not-real-you. And just tell me what you want me to do to make you feel better with me. And if those mine wishes become true, I am the happiest girl on Earth, on the universe and on my heart.

I don't want to be like this girl but this is what I feel.

So, I can't stand it anymore with this dramas because I'm not used to it and I don't want to get use to it.

I Really hope you understand and now i'm serious, no more laughing or make jokes and I can't stand or hold this teardrops anymore. I do hope. I do hope. I do hope that one day you know that actually all this while I am talking about you, I'm writing about you to make you understand but I'm hope my words does not hurts you but understands you.

I always give so much words to make you understand.
So I hope this one will really really make you understand. I hope you read this cause this happen just before the holiday starts.
I Love You As My Friend.
Thank you.

I'm sorry if my words are so bad to worst to be understand.


Thank you for reading! :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Even just being old:

Even just walking alone:

Even just wishing: 
Even just dreaming:
Even just creating:
Even just in water:

Even just being old:
Even just walking alone:
Even just wishing:
Even just dreaming:
Even just creating:
Even just in water:


By:  FYQA 259 :)

Thank you for reading! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


              Just like seasons, People change... :'(   
              They don't mind hurting other's feeling....
   They do what they want to do and never feeling worry about what we gonna to do...
              For life without boredomness, they lying...

              For me, they have change only their life...
              But by changing their life, their heart will also change without incident...
      Their life are different because they change their heart to a new different life...
              I MISS MY STILL LIFE WITH THEIR OLD LIFE MOMENTS................
               That's what happen to me.....
               For the first thought, I thought it could be great but......
               Can't they all feel the way I feel.....

                I must not give up on this life....
                And I must always stay positive....
                Learn to be mature.... Okay? 
                NEVER GIVE UP.....


                - This pOst iS't TalkIng aBouT BoyFriends But iT wAs aBout TheSe
                                     CreaTureS CallEd  F R I E N D S-
                                              -Still loving FRIENDS <3-

By: FYQA259

Thank you for reading! :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Yes, My Day...

Hi and Assalamualaikum there, :)

   Should i begin with a word? No? Then, what should i begin with? Ok,not a word but many words right? haha, ok, enough. Not enough yet actually because i won't start my story before you smile.
So,smile! Or i won't start,haha. :) :) :) smile as many as you can.

Haha,i won't force you . Ok, this is a story about a girl from far away island my day at a big and awesome beautiful quiet library. This library have it's own name but i forgot it, hehe. But I think it was somewhere dejat tempat golf sultan aziz shah kot kat Shah Alam.

So, me and my family and my sister's friends bila arrived sana je, ada feeling. hehe. Kita orang pergi sana ada reason. Sebab my sister and her university friends ada assignment and kena interview staff and pekerja ke apalah kat sana. So, sementara tunggu my sister and her friends, fyqa and syahirah,my another sister pun jalan jalan lah kat library tu. Naik tingkat atas,library tu awesomee like seriously! Ok, me and my sister pergi level 1, 2, 3 and what else. Suddenly, my sister jumpa kawan lama dia, hoho. Tapi dia belum  tegur dia lagi sebab tak sedia, haha. Kita orang jalan naik turun, naik turun, pastu turun balik kat level 1, tingkat2. Kita orang pun cari buku and bacalah, kat situ sejuklah until i feel macam nak pergi toilet OMG. Then,waktu fyqa cari buku, my sister pun tegurlah kawan lama dia tu. Baik and cantik and sopan and comel gila kawan dia tu. Haha :D

Kita orang lepak lepak je, haha. Bestlah , thumbs up :)

Pastu,fyqa and mak fyqa pulak naik sebab my father and my sister nak hantar kawan akak fyqa, so, kita orang poun baca buku. Then, fyqa pulak jumpa my classmate. His a boy. So, takkan nak tegur kot! :p haha.Ok , relaks! Hehe.

Well, I love libraries 


With my sister. Such a wonderful "garden".

Me, my sister and her friends and my father at The library downfloor.

So, those are the pictures. Yeah, actually we can't capture any photos unless to peoples who have a card that the security give. My sister ada card, so my father said, 'Ambik je gambar, akak kan ada card'. So, ikut je lah. Haha. cover line lah sikit. Huhu. Oklah, there's no more to say and to text, So, bye! :) See you soon .

 Haha,ok Bye! :)

BY: FYQA259 =)

Thank you for reading! :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

What A Day...


        Like usual,i will start my post with a smile and speaking,haha . So,are you happy? Oh why i ask you guys about that. *Ridiculous* So, my topic always ada perkataan ni day . So,you guys pelik tak? Kalau pelik, so what? haha. Kalau tak awkward i will give (Y) because you don't need to enterframe ok? :p haha, *jk never like this *. So,what a day ni actually hari semalam, you guys know what...yg me and family like penat giler nak mati . *haha,JK belum lagi ok, :) * before that fyqa nak cakap that i miss reading bloggers,so to any bloggeries out there,boleh tak update blog and post! *to yg tak kenal ,give me the link lah :) haha.Back to school the story.

Actually,me and family nak ambik my sister kat KL Sentral,second time pergi sana,still pening otak nak muntah! Jalan dia gila,lagi teruk daripada Fraser Hill. Bukan bengkak bongkok tapi bengkang bengkok (sorry kalau salah eja) hee,bangunan tinggi tinggi gila sampai kita orang yang drive kat situ macam semut jeh. Dah dua tiga kali pusing situ je sebenarnya. Emotional feeling will come out lah. But me still watlek watcool kejadahnye. So, masa nak balik tuh, dah ambik my sistah , semua dalam kereta tu gila tak tahan nak ehem ehem (coughing) especially me! My adik always cakap yg me dah tak tahan and me like 'Hoi, shut up! ,adik pun  tak tahan kan,cakap fyqa je! ' Dahlah tak boleh nak dengar org ckp,we talk lagi nak jerit, haha.

We are like :

                                                                             This and :

                                                                This are more than worst.

Then,kita orang pun stop lah kan kat Masjid Negara and fyqa lah yang jalan gila fast *jalan to the toilet* and i'm the first yang masuk toilet like langgar je,haha, barang, telekung and handbag macam nak tinggal je tapi fikir fikir *have a moment to think, cool* takkan lah nak tinggal ,ada handphone ,hehe,so,bagi je terus semua kat my sistah,at last kawan akak fyqa jugak yang tolong pegangkan,haha.

Then, we guys pun solat and then pergi makam pahlawan kat masjid tu *can you believe it,malam tau!* haha. ada tun abdul razak punya kubur,huhu,scared,hee,pandang bawah waktu nak balik tu,kubur je nampak, hias cantik gila, malam scary gila ,haha. Anyway, here a picture.

 This last picture actually masa kat KL Sentral,snap jeh,hehe :D

So, that's all maybe, macam nak update lagi satu post je,tapi no lah,later pulak,ok? Good.
Ok,bye! :)

BY: FYQA 259 =)

Thank you for reading! :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Day ...


    So,today is 19 December almost to school day. But i'm not gonna talk about school. Not that stress thing ok. Just to be easy,fyqa cakap bahasa malaysia.Haha. Ok,so,day yang fyqa nak cerita ni actually 15 December dulu tu,memang hari tu macam hari adventure! But i'm happy + sick =happysick time . Haha.

First,kebetulan hari tu fyqa ada exam kat Kuala Kubu Baru,MRSM yang soalan dia gila-gila pening tu,haha,tu waktu pagi#lucky lah dapat pagi# cause petang tu my family and I pergi Fraser Hill! Well,I know kita orang pergi sehari je,sebab my father ada kerja and that is why fyqa tak pergi vacation.So,sesiapa yang tanya fyqa pergi mana vacation, talk to the hand because i'm already said it.Sit at home doing nothing. -.- Salah tu,actually Sit at home onlining,haha,tu je lah my routine kat rumah sekarang,haha. Fyqa dah lama nak baca blog my friend but dia orang tak update :( semua tak tahu nak update apa, actually just the same with me,tapi buat je lah apa2,dah rindu kat my bloggie the boyfie ni. Hahah#I'mNotThatCrazy# Twitter pun dah lama fyqa tak on cause dah bosan,huhu. K, kidding. Ok,dah out of topic dah.

Secondly,yelah, fyqa dah cakap type yang my family and I pergi Fraser hill kan.So,kat sana bolehlah sejuk, lol. Tapi Jalan Dia gila pening,dahlah, waktu ambik exam dah pening ,ni jalan lah pulak,#BolehNaikGilaAku#.

Ok,'enough2 lah Tu Fyqa!' my sister said it. Haha,kat sana fyqa change baju lah,takkan nak pakai baju sekolah pulak tiba-tiba,orang gila je yang buat camtu,fyqa nak keluar sarapan pun dah malu nak pakai baju tu,hahah lagi lagi keluar JALAN, the only word is 'CRAZY'.

Before kita orang sampai Fraser Hill,kita orang ada lah stop kat dam (empangan) ni.

Serious lawa <3

Ok,siapa yang tahu dia tahulah. Adalah jugak gambar tapi time ni fyqa bad mood and malas nak ambik gambar macam unperfect that day sebab tukar baju dalam toilet awam,haish!Then nak tukar kat mana lagi kan. Kat MRSM fyqa tak ambil gambar cause fyqa exam,hehe.This new picture:

 OMG I HATE THAT PICTURE!Ok that's enough!It was so bloody UGH!

Then, kita orang pun keep on to Fraser Hill! YEah BEBEH! K.

Then kita orang parked and jalan jalan cari makan!,jalan2 saja and sambil cari makan,lol.

Ok Then apa apa jelah, Fyqa sunburn that's why I'm blacker. Hmm.

This is 'PUNCAK INN' .It is a resort,smart tau,aww aww :)

Haha,ok dua je :)

Ok BYE! :) HEE.

BY :  FYQA AB/FYQA259 :)

Thank you for reading! :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fatin alia...

Fatin! hai si budak ketot,hehe :) i miss you tau! fiqa nak share about you from me. What i feel about you and anything that i think about you ♥ 

She's a wonderful girl...  She's nice , friendly, cute, and anything else that i feel about She's small, and anything else.

 She's nice and helpful <3 and stay sporting :)

Usually, fiqa takde best friend budak baru tapi die ni fiqa bff ngan die ,tak tahu kenapa. tapi fiqa just dapat rapat ngan die setahun je. :( i miss those moment ♥ Dia ada bagi fiqa present for my birthday and i appreciate it,thanks fatin :)

When you read this, Fatin, i know that you can only smile :)

Fatin,i miss you and i wish you were too, :) stay cute and be proud of yourself and for the last one, i love you 

                                                                                 BY FIQA  AB SPECIALLY DEDICATED TO FATIN =)

Thank you for reading! :)